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Common Point of Sale (POS) System Problems and Solutions

Posted by PointOfSale POS on

Even the simplest cash register system is made up of at least a few pieces of hardware and software. The more components in a system, the more room for error.

All too often POS problems are related to installation issues.

To save some money you decided to buy the components from a bunch of different suppliers, and then do the installation yourself. While some may do the extensive research, or may simply get lucky, this often leads to POS system problems that result in disruption of business.

It is highly recommended that the system be installed by a trusted supplier such as PointOfSalePOS.com.

Unfortunately, chances are, even if installed properly, issues will arise.

Being aware of common issues is the first step in ensuring you have a plan in place to reduce disruption to your business.


POS System Not Turning On


The usual fix for this is the most obvious. Power cords get knocked around under the counter. Ensure that the cord is not frayed and is plugged in correctly. This solves the problem 95% of the time. 3% of the time the breaker needs to be flipped.

For the remaining 2%, it is recommended that you call your equipment provider for technical support. If possible, having back up hardware on site would speed up recovery if it is determined by your technical support provider that the issue is hardware failure.

Internet Issues


POS system almost always require internet. If your internet is too slow, or keeps dropping connections you may want to look into alternate providers or using tools such a WiFi extenders.

Data Loss

Whether caused by human error, security breaches, or hardware or software bugs, most businesses will experience this issue. The good news is that this is a very easy issue to prevent. Ensure that your data is regularly backed-up. This is often as simple as entering the back-up path within your POS software.

Power Outages

The point of sale computer, printer, scanner, and other hardware are likely plugged into the wall. Imagine you are in the middle of ringing up a big sale when the power goes out. Sure, you may complete the transaction manually, but this is not an efficient bandaid. You would need to ensure that all transactions be entered into the system once the power is back on. Many businesses use their POS systems to track employee and shift sales and to keep inventory up to date in real-time. Information entered a day late can skew employee tracking, inventory and commissions. You may want to consider purchasing a generator, or backup batteries to ensure business continues as usual.

Cash Drawer Not Opening

Not often thought of in advance, cash drawers not opening is an extremely common and annoying problem. The good news is that this can often be fixed quite quickly.

First check if the cash drawer is unlocked using the key. If unlocked, verify if the cash drawer makes any sound when you are trying to open it. If it does, check for any papers (like cash) that may be causing a jam.

Next check if the drawer is properly connected to the printer, and then that the printer is online and operational. If the printer is not online, use the system troubleshooting tool.

Finally, check that the right printer is assigned for the POS terminal.

If the problem can not be solved with the above steps, contact your provider for further technical support.


Conclusion: Be Prepared


The investment in back-up hardware, power supply, internet access and proper employee training and technical support may seem like an unnecessary expense when all is running smoothly. But when something unexpected occurs you are going to realize that this insurance actually saves you money.

PointOfSalePOS.com understands that POS Systems are not a one-size-fits-all solution, just like your business is not like everyone elses. We also understand that this is a significant investment and we want to help you ensure a seamless integration. PointOfSalePOS.com has the expertise and experience to answer your questions and support you in this process. We take care of your POS, so you can take care of your customers.

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