Point of Sale POS Solutions — pos system

Payment Processing and Your POS System. Do They Have to Be Integrated?

Posted by PointOfSale POS on

  You have purchased a new POS System to replace your cash register and want to use your credit card terminal that you already own. You currently have a contract with a merchant services provider and can not switch without incurring early termination fees. Can you use the credit card terminal with the POS System? The answer is yes. But whether it is integrated with the POS system depends on what POS System Software is running your POS System, and whether the software is supported by the merchant payment processing provider you are working with. For example, Plexis Software is...

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How Do Merchant Accounts and Payment Processing Work?

Posted by PointOfSale POS on

As the popularity of online shopping increases exponentially, many businesses are setting up e-commerce shops to increase their sales. Stream-lined payment processing is a must. You have heard that you need to get a Merchant Account and a Payment Gateway. But what does this mean? And how does it work? PointOfSalePOS, the expert on Point of Sale Systems, explains.

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Common Point of Sale (POS) System Problems and Solutions

Posted by PointOfSale POS on

Even the simplest cash register system is made up of at least a few pieces of hardware and software. The more components in a system, the more room for error.

All too often POS problems are related to installation issues.

To save some money you decided to buy the components from a bunch of different suppliers, and then do the installation yourself. While some may do the extensive research, or may simply get lucky, this often leads to POS system problems that result in disruption of business.

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What are Price-Embedded Barcodes and How do they Work?

Posted by PointOfSale POS on

Price-embedded barcodes, also known as random weight, variable price, or type 2 UPC-A barcodes, have the item’s PLU (price look-up) code and price encoded into the barcode.

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Point of Sale POS System Mistakes to Avoid

Posted by PointOfSale POS on

POS System Mistakes to Avoid Whether you are purchasing your first POS system or retiring an out of date cash register system for the latest technology, planning is a must to avoid future problems. Learn from the experiences of others to avoid these common mistakes: Picking the wrong POS System Choosing a POS system is one of the most important decisions both new and experienced business owners will make. A significant investment, it is a choice you want to get right the first time. The brain of the business, the right POS system will streamline your operations, provide a clear...

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